Getting fit for sailing…

This section of my blog is a bit more personal than others. Here I will be documenting (what I hope will be) my personal fitness transformation, as I train for the Clipper Race and generally for sailing and boating.

In order to partake in a transatlantic ocean sailing race, one should rightly assume that a certain level of fitness and stamina is required. Currently… as it stands, I am perhaps at the lowest level of fitness that I have ever been at. And I am pretty appalled at myself for this! Yes, I have 3 young children, but I don’t feel that that is a valid excuse. My current state of affairs is more to do with the rubbish that I love to eat (Camembert, pate, the list goes on…) and the wine that I love to drink!


I have decided that I need to do something about it. The Clipper Race has obviously focused my mind, but boating in general does require a certain degree of fitness, so it is important that I make changes to my diet and fitness. My aim is to improve my fitness, so that I am ‘fit and strong’, but in the process knock my weight off… realistically I probably need to lose 2 stone.

So, on Monday this week I went to the gym for the 1st time in nearly 12  months. It was bloody hard work, but a great feeling afterwards.

There’s several phases to my fitness plan. First I want to focus on cardio to help burn some fat and just raise my general fitness. After a few weeks I’m going to move on to free weights, to strengthen my core, build my stamina and also burn fat! I also want to make sure that I am tip top when it comes to the coffee grinders, so I’m going to be making good use of the arm bike.

If you’re on your own personal fitness mission, get in touch below and we can help keep each other on track 🙂

I will keep you posted on my progress…

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